Some people may know about these ideas, but don’t look at them seriously enough until they are in a financial predicament and even then, they may not think about them. If you have fallen into a financial hardship, whether it is from a lost job, unexpected medical bills, divorce, unexpected home expenses or anything else, you may want to spend some time looking into the following:
Car Company Promotions
There are times when car dealerships run some amazing offers. These offers are not to buy a car and they do not pressure you to do so. What they do offer is a chance to ride in a new vehicle for free, including free gas for the day and along with that, you get anywhere from a $100 – $150 gift card to use wherever you like.
These promotions are not frequent however, so you need to keep an eye out. One company has a promotional exhibit at the malls or you can try googling for car promotions, but you will have to sift through all the car discount listings on the page.
If you do happen to come across this deal, go for it and who knows? When you get back on your financial feet, you may just come back to the dealer and buy the car!
Bank Promotions
These are more common and are more easily found in a Google search. They can range from $100 – $250 for opening a new account, but usually, you have to be a new customer. Regardless, it is a fast way to make a quick buck and for many accounts, you can just start with a deposit of $25.
With that said, you need to be aware of the fees and/or other expenses that may accompany these deals, but for the most part, you do come out a winner.
Mystery Shopping
Contrary to what some people may think, mystery shopping is a million dollar business and there are many legitimate companies that offer this to consumers. What it entails is a visit to a local bank or store and ask them questions according to the guidelines that they give you. Then you submit a report of your experience with the store or bank representatives.
Pay can range from $10.00 to over $200.00 per visit. All depends upon what you would need to do. Definitely worth looking into. Google mystery shopping for more details.
Cheap Gas
Cheap gas doesn’t always mean bad gas. There are tons of gas stations that don’t carry the brand names of the major suppliers and subsequently, cannot charge the same amount for gas. Look for these stations. The difference per gallon can be substantial. Possibly a difference of 10 cents per gallon or more. Worth the trip!

You might have seem them, but probably overlooked them. Retail companies offering opportunities to win a free lunch for 10 people or a not on your food receipt to ‘Fill Out Our Online Survey to Win a Free a $500 Gift Card”. While most people overlook this opportunity, if you are in a financial bind (and even if you are not), why not go for it? You have nothing to lose. Just make sure you are responding to a retailer you know well. Avoid the ones you are not familiar with so you don’t get scammed. Usually they will just ask for you name, email address and phone.
Neglecting Additional Skills You May Have
No matter what you do for a living, most of us have a variety of skills other than what we get paid to do by our employer. Do you have a hobby that you can turn into a money making business? One example is a NYC suburbanite who works for Nassau County in Long Island also makes 3D photos of people and then he sells them at flea markets and other fairs. He pulls in a few hundred dollars each month. Another person creates realistic art and sells them at galleries. This is in addition to her 9-5 job. Albeit, 3D photos is kind of unique, but are you an artist, photographer, videographer, computer techie or have any specific skill your are not utilizing to make a profit, now is the time to take advantage of it.
Cell Phone Repair
No doubt the cell phone industry is growing be leaps and bounds and if you are technically inclined, you may be interested to know that there are companies that will teach you how to repair these phones. There may be an initial fee, but if you can build customers, you will compensate for this fee in no time.
Liqueur Host
You don’t have to be 21 to be a server for liqueur, as long as you don’t drink it yourself. Ask any liqueur store owner or manager how you can participate in a program that offers free drinks and you would be the one serving the potential customers. This program is sponsored by the liqueur brand and not the store, but pay is not bad. $75.00 per hour.